Baptists Together for LGBTQ+ inclusion
“Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”
Acts 10:47
Affirm’s aims are to Care, Connect, and Campaign.
As part of our aim to care for LGBTQ+ Ministers and leaders in Baptist life, connect LGBTQ+ Baptists and affirming Baptists, and campaign for equality for LGBTQ+ people in Baptists Together, we have a new way of getting involved in the life of Affirm.
We are offering the opportunity to become a member of Affirm, a supporter of Affirm, or become a supporting church.
Members: LGBTQ+ Ministers & Leaders in Baptist Life.
Supporters: Allies from across Baptist Life.
Supporting Churches: Baptist Churches that are members of Baptists Together and wish to support the work of Affirm.
For more information about the support offered, or to become a Member, supporter, or supporting church, click here.