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Baptists Together for LGBTQ+ inclusion

Our aims and the team

Our Events

Stay tuned for future events post C19

Volunteer, participate, or donate

“Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”

Acts 10:47


Affirm’s aims are to Care, Connect, and Campaign.



As part of our aim to care for LGBTQ+ Ministers and leaders in Baptist life, connect LGBTQ+ Baptists and affirming Baptists, and campaign for equality for LGBTQ+ people in Baptists Together, we have a new way of getting involved in the life of Affirm. 


We are offering the opportunity to become a member of Affirm, a supporter of Affirm, or become a supporting church. 


Members: LGBTQ+ Ministers & Leaders in Baptist Life. 

Supporters: Allies from across Baptist Life. 

Supporting Churches: Baptist Churches that are members of Baptists Together and wish to support the work of Affirm.


For more information about the support offered, or to become a Member, supporter, or supporting church, click here.


Join Us


Registered CIO: 1183976

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